MRI for Kids
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI for kids) is a high-precision diagnostic procedure, prescribed for kids of any age, is absolutely painless. The examination of internal tissues and organs is done on a special apparatus using radio waves and a magnetic field, the action of which is completely harmless to the body.
MRI for kids is most often prescribed if there is a suspicion of damage to the structures of the brain. The cause may be perinatal pathology, infectious diseases, and the consequence – headaches and dizziness, sleep disturbances, changes in kids’ behavior, delayed speech or psychomotor development, and sometimes decreased vision or hearing. Since the MRI for kids allows identifying possible diseases even at the earliest stages, based on the results of the procedure, the doctor will determine the source of the problem and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Before the Exam
Preparing for kids MRI is no different from preparing an adult patient for these procedures. Before the MRI for kids itself, it is necessary to remove metal objects (jewelry, hairpins, belts, watches, glasses). If there are a lot of metal elements on the child‘s clothes (buttons, rivets, zippers), it is better to take with you a change of children’s clothes.
During the Procedure
If anesthesia is needed, the child is first immersed in medication sleep. To do this, a catheter is placed in his ulnar vein, through which an anesthetic is injected. The anesthesiologist monitors the kid‘s condition throughout the kid’s MRI and controls his recovery from anesthesia. Parents have the opportunity to be in the room during MRI for children. It is important that they themselves remain calm and explain the need for this to the kids. Otherwise, the MRI for children will be delayed.
The children are placed on a special mobile couch and moved inside an machine. If anesthesia has not been used, fixation is performed using straps. While the scan is in progress, a radiologist watches the patient through glass from an adjacent room.
After the Exam
After coming out of anesthesia (usually children wake up on their own), kids are monitored for about 30 minutes more. If everything is alright, they can go home.
The result is ready the next day after the MRI for kids. Parents receive:
- written diagnosis signed by two or three doctors;
- X-ray film with the most informative images;
- a computer disk with a record of the entire scanning process.

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