MRI lumbar spine
MRI back scan is a modern and informative way of examination. Due to the absence of X-ray radiation, tomography does not affect the body in any way. Usually, MRI lower back in Orlando is prescribed to diagnose diseases occurring in the back and its surrounding areas. Diagnostic imaging lumbar spine can help identify the following diseases and conditions:
- Ankylosing spondylitis;
- Cartilage degeneration;
- Malignant and benign tumors;
- Congenital anomalities;
- Narrowing of the spinal canal;
- Inflammation occurring in the spinal cord canal;
- Traumatic disorders;
- Spondylosis;
- Coccygeal cyct, etc.
Before signing up for the MRI for lower back pain, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required. Specialists of the diagnostic imaging center Touch of Health will tell you about the specific features of the MRI scan lower back, contraindications and will answer all your questions.

MRI lumbosacral spine in Orlando does not expose the body to radiation, thus it can be repeated multiple times. The indication for diagnostic imaging lower back may be such problems as:
- Recurring episodes of the lumbar pain radiating to the buttock or leg;
- Weakening of reflexes in the legs;
- Loss of sensitivity;
- Muscle weakness in the legs;
- Lumbar spine injury;
- Suspicion of oncological processes in the bone tissues.
The lumbosacral MRI allows the specialist to establish the cause of the traumatic injury and determine further treatment measures. If a tumor is suspected, the specialists of our diagnostic center recommend performing lumbar MRI with contrast – a special substance that increases the sensitivity of the tomograph. The contrast enhancer allows to determine the size of the neoplastic formation, as well as to see the spread of cancer.
Process of the Procedure
No preparation for MRI lumbar spine is required. The patient removes all jewelry and clothing containing metal elements. Then the patient places himself in a sliding table that moves into the tomograph capsule. There he stays for half an hour. The process of MRI scan lumbar spine is painless and not accompanied by any subjective sensations.
Benefits of MRI in the Center Touch of Health
If you are looking for good diagnostic services and an affordable cost for lumbar MRI, then you can contact our imaging center near you. Our advantages include:
- High-quality equipment. We use the up-to-date tomograph that makes it possible to obtain HQ images of internal organs and surrounding structures.
- Accurate diagnostics. Experienced doctors evaluate the diagnostic results of MRI lumbar spine without contrast. You will receive a report within the next 24 hours after the diagnostic procedure.
- Possibility of consulting doctors. After receiving the results of MRI lumbar spine with contrast, you can consult any specialists of our medical center: vertebrologist, orthopedist, traumatologist, rheumatologist, etc.

Touch of Health Medical Center
Complete a full examination at our center and get a prognosis for your recovery.
Our specialists help you to recover much faster.