Plantar Fasciitis
Arch tendon impacts directly the functioning of the calcaneus due to the support it provides. As a result of the incorrect position of the bones of the foot relative to each other during walking, an overstretching of the foot occurs. Frequent repeated elongating of the ligament leads to the occurrence of small tears in it. This leads to pain and puffiness. Later, the formation of an osteophyte appears, and this is what is known as plantar fasciitis itself. The malfunction like plantar fasciitis brings a lot of health problems and unpleasant sensations in everyday life. Normal functioning gets limited due to plantar fasciitis, as every step provokes pain and there are difficulties with normal movement.
The most common source of heel pain for adults is plantar fasciitis, a condition that develops in the connective tissue known as the plantar fascia. This fascia is a fibrous band running along the bottom of the foot, connecting the front of the foot and the heel bone. Your plantar fascia has several important functions, like supporting the foot arch, absorbing the forces that come with every step, and assisting in key biomechanical processes of your foot.

Decisive factors in the occurrence of plantar fasciitis are:
- Extreme twisting of the midfoot inward when walking due to the weak leg muscles;
- Too high or flat arch of the foot;
- Staying in the same position for a long time;
- Excessive weight, especially rapid weight gain;
- Wearing poor quality or worn out footwear;
- Overstrain of the foot.
From the above-mentioned information, it is easy to conclude that athletes and workers, salesmen, teachers, hairdressers, and representatives of other professions deal with plantar fasciitis regularly with constant overload and pain in the lower extremities.
Treatment Of Plantar Fasciitis
In Orlando Medical Center “Touch of Health”, the treatment plan is based on the removal of any critical processes and reducing plantar fasciitis. We offer the following:
- Regular gymnastics for a better blood circulation;
- Special massages, both manual and with the help of physiotherapy equipment;
- Physiotherapy treatment: high intensity laser therapy, shock wave therapy, cryotherapy, etc.;
- Hormonal doses, the use of pain relievers, most often NSAIDs;
- Wearing individually selected insoles (orthoses), or even better, ordering specific individual insoles that can be used at the severe stages.
For the timely prophylactics of plantar fasciitis, our specialists strongly recommended to provide rest in combination together with special gymnastics, selection of comfortable shoes, breaks for warm-up at work, if it is characterized by a constant stress on the feet.
Experienced traumatologists-orthopedists in our Orlando center provide efficient complex treatment of any pain and pathologies, including plantar fasciitis.

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