Morton’s Neuroma
Morton’s neuroma is pathology which is provoked by benign growth in the region of the plantar nerve. It is normally located between the toes. The formation leads to pain, which is aggravated by wearing narrow shoes and exerting stress on the feet. Treatment is possible with therapeutic and surgical techniques. Surgery to get rid of Morton’s neuroma is indicated if traditional methods have not yielded the desired result.
Nowadays, millions of people of different sex and age are affected by Morton’s neuroma, along with other foot pathologies and pain. Modern surgical methods of treatment allow achieving positive results without the risk of any complications. Experienced specialists of the Orlando Medical Center “Touch of Health” will help to get rid of Morton’s neuroma forever.

The first sign of the ankle sprains is acute pain that happens at the time of damage and can be also manifested by a click if a large number of fibers is damaged. Also, the site of damage begins to swell and because of this, it is possible to visually recognize this process, which can be both local and general. Sometimes, ankle sprains can be accompanied by hemorrhage or so called hematomas. Because of the above-mentioned symptoms, movement in the joint is significantly limited and requires treatment.
Depending on the stage of the disorder, the signs vary:
- The 1st stage is characterized by soreness, swelling, but hematomas are absent at this time. The oedema is insignificant, there is no bleeding. Movement in the ankle joint is slightly limited.
- The 2nd stage of ankle sprain is characterized by puffiness and bruises. The mobility of the joint is significantly limited, and sometimes our specialists observe reduced stability. There are complaints of moderate pain.
- The 3rd degree is distinguished by a sharp soreness, massive edema and hematomas. Joint movement is significantly limited or abnormal mobility may be observed.
Symptoms of Mortons neuroma
The pathology is characterized by pain in the distal region. Sometimes, aching is felt in the toes as well. Exacerbation of symptoms is can be provoked by bad quality footwear which can be tight as well. As a rule, patients notice a strong relief and reduced pain when they take off their shoes.
With the worsening of Morton’s neuroma, the pain is getting constant, numbness of the toes is observed as well. At this stage of the disorder, regular treatment is considered practically ineffective.
Diagnostics is based mainly on characteristic complains and localization of pain in the foot. An important point is to determine the type of footwear that the patient is wearing, as well as to identify previous diseases (arthritis, muscle or nerve diseases, or trauma).
To clarify the diagnosis, the medical professional examines the foot; squeezes the sole of the feet with his fingers in order to identify painful areas, which are characteristic of Morton’s neuroma. X-rays are taken to rule out other causes of foot pain (fracture or arthritis). In difficult cases, MRI is applied.
Traditional treatment includes:
- wearing comfortable shoes with a wide toe and low heels (in some cases, orthopedic),;
- the use of pads in the place of compression of the foot;
- the use of NSAIDs and inflammatory drugs.
Provided that traditional treatment carried out for several months does not lead to a positive result, the Orlando specialists resort to Morton’s neuroma surgery: excision of Morton’s neuroma, expansion of the space which in which the nerves pass. These types of surgery are usually performed under local anesthesia. Treatment of Morton’s neuroma by ESWT, being an alternative to the Morton’s neuroma surgery, does not cause gross local disorders of the tissues of the human body and general negative impact. It opens up new ways to improve the quality of treatment and to get rid of pain. It takes from 3 to 6 sessions with an interval of 3-4 days. The recommended number of impulses per session is 1500-2000.
Our professionals are ready to help at any time with diseases of various stages, and we promise to make your life pain-free again.

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