Distal Radius Fracture
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Distal radius fractures are very widespread and compose about 16% of all skeletal ruptures. Incorrect fusion of the malfunction after untreated ruptures, 89% and is accompanied by the malformation of the articulatio radiocarpea, shortening of the radius and impaction (rests) of the antebrachium on the upper extremity. A distal radius fracture provokes mid-carpal and carpal-bone instability, uneven distribution of the load on the membranous apparatus.

Osteoporosis (a malfunction in which bones become brittle and more likely to become brittle with significant stress, impact) can cause a fracture with a slight collapse on the arm. Therefore, these traumas are more likely to occur to senior people.
A distal radius fracture, of course, can also occur in healthy, young people, if the force of the impact is large enough. For example, car accidents, bicycle falls, work-related injuries.
Most frequently, distal radius fractures manifest due to collapsing on a spread arm.
A distal radius fracture usually causes:
- Immediate pain;
- Hemorrhage;
- Edema;
- Crepitation;
- Numbness of the fingers (rare);
- In many cases, it is accompanied by the deformity in the area of the wrist joint.
Treatment of a Distal Radius Fracture
Distal radius fractures in a non-displaced location are usually fixed with a bandage to eliminate dislocation. If it is displaced, then the pieces must be returned to their original structural position and fixed until the fracture heals. Otherwise, there is a risk of limitation of the normal activity, as well as the rapid occurrence of joint arthrosis.
After the procedure of reposition, a plaster cast is put on the upper extremity in a certain position (considering the trauma itself). A longitudinal bandage is usually applied during the first few days of treatment, when the swelling is on the rise. After that, it is possible to change such support for any kind of a bandage. Such treatment lasts an average of 4-5 weeks.
Depending on the nature of the trauma, control radiographs may be needed 10, 21, and 30 days after treatment. This is essential in order to timely establish the secondary dislocation in the cast and take appropriate measures: re-elimination of the dislocation or operational intervention.
Occasionally, the misalignment is so critical that it cannot be corrected or held in the correct position in the cast. In this case, an operational intervention may be required: open reduction or bone osteosynthesis. During this treatment, the dislocation is eliminated and the bone is fastened with a metal structure, the choice of which is determined by stage of the malfunction.
Indications for intervention:
- Acute circulatory disorders after closed reduction,
- Instability of the radio pulmonary articulation,
- Multi-splintered nature of the malfunction,
- Neuromuscular dysfunction,
- High energy trauma,
- Intra-articular discongruent fractures,
- Flexion malfunctions.
Most patients return to their daily activities after a distal radius fracture after 4-6weeks. Of course, the terms of recovery depend on many factors: on the type of the malfunction, the method of treatment, the body’s response to damage.
Almost every patient suffers from the limited wrist movement after immobilization. And much depends on the patient, his persistence in restoring the regular activity in the event of a distal radius fracture. If an operation takes place on a plate, then, as a rule, the doctor prescribes exercise therapy for the wrist joint from the first week after the operation.

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