Degenerative Disc Disease
According to the latest optimistic estimation, about fifty percent of population worldwide knows of degenerative disk disease from their personal experience. Meanwhile, some studies even mention eighty percent. Degenerative disk disease is responsible for degenerative-dystrophic processes. And if at first the destruction appears in the soft tissues only, then later the bone tissue get affected. The consequences may be irreversible, as degenerative disk disease provokes dysfunction of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. It is essential to treat it as soon as possible.

What Causes It?
Degenerative disk disease develops due to dystrophy in the cartilaginous tissue, so the firmness and elasticity of the disks is reduced. Thus, the spinal mobility becomes rather limited, and there is a constant pain syndrome extending to the limbs. Destructive processes of discs are also aggravated by intense training (without warm-up), traumas, or any skeletal pathology. The best way to avoid this malfunction is to do special spinal exercises daily.
We strongly recommend booking an appointment in our clinic, if you are suffering from this illness. The specialist will prescribe appropriate treatment based on a number of factors including the medical history.
What are Common Symptoms?
This disorder is accompanied by aching, that can be either widespread or directed into the certain area. If one neglects the medical care of degenerative disk disease, then it progresses even quicker: aching intensifies and spreads to the limbs, the mobility gets reduced. In severe cases without any treatment, the limbs can even partially atrophy.
Surgery Options for the Disease
Orlando Medical Center “Touch of Health” provides such operations for degenerative disk disease as:
- microdiscectomy, to remove the ruptured disks;
- laser reconstruction, an operation to stop the deformation and accelerate the growth of cartilage tissue;
- discectomy. It is considered to be the measure for the critical stages.
Who Should Consider Surgery?
When degenerative disk disease develops to the degree, that hernia or compression occurs, a neurosurgeon discusses the further options with the patient. The doctor of Orlando Medical Center “Touch of Health” assesses the severity of the identified pathology, and according to the situation, performs an operation. Our clinic deals with such cases on the regular cases, and we use the latest techniques for treatment of such pathologies.

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