Treatment Neck pain
Our neck has seven vertebrae, a lot of muscles and nerves. It is not only remarkably flexible but also manages to carry heavy weight daily – our head. The modern life is a nightmare for our neck. Constant usage of smartphones, laptops and computers make our head move forward a bit. Thus, it causes the increase of weight and extra tension on the muscles and nerves. We often underestimate the role of a healthy neck for our well-being, and frequently don’t pay attention to the warning signals like neck pain and discomfort. Such signs require the treatment of an orthopedic neck surgeon or chiropractor.

What are the causes of neck pain?
As we already mentioned the head weight is carried by your neck. So it is prone to neck injuries that can lead to pain and restrain the proper movement. The causes of neck pain include:
- diseases (meningitis, arthritis, cancer, etc.)
- nerve compression (the disks or bone spurs pressing on the nerves)
- strains ( due to wrong move, uncomfortable sleeping pose or overuse in general
- worn joints ( due to age and overuse as well)
Symptoms of Neck Pain
Different diseases can cause neck pain. If it is acute, get worse with movements, or does not go away for a long time, the problem can be serious. In these cases, it is necessary to diagnose and establish the cause. Pain can be caused by diseases of the cervical spine, which often provoke hypoxia of the brain due to clamping of blood vessels. In some cases, painful sensations are also provoked by not so serious disorders that require less time for neck treatment.
What are the Most Common Afflictions of the Neck?
The most common conditions that provoke aching are cervical osteochondrosis, hernia or protrusion of the cervical disk, and muscle spasm. These problems arise after traumas (including birth trauma, whiplash trauma), microtraumas when traveling by car, prolonged sedentary work, especially in front of a computer monitor. Prolonged stay in an unnatural position for the neck and head leads to overstrain and muscle spasm.
How do I prevent neck pain?
In order to prevent the need of a neck surgery you can take following preventative measures:
- choose a good quality pillow for sleeping. There are special pillows now that make your head and neck stay in the right position all over the night;
- put your monitor/tablet at the eye level;
- remember about correct posture;
- take breaks every hour during the day and do some warm-up exercises;
- quit smoking;
- avoid placing the phone between your shoulder and head;
These suggestions minimize the risks of having any neck problems.
Neck pain can be prevented easily by the following:
- Taking care of the posture;
- Healthy diet;
- Regular sports activities;
- Avoiding stress;
The main thing is not to get carried away with self-medication. And remember that prevention is the best way to fight any disease.
Neck pain treatment
Neck treatment, of course, depends on the condition. Our neck care specialist in Orlando (Florida) will examine you and prescribe the according medications and therapy. Orlando Orthopedic Center offers such methods as:
- applications of heat/cold;
- soft-collar traction;
- physiotherapy ( massage, ultrasound and special exercises)
- cortisone/anesthetics injections;
- muscle relaxants;
- Chiropractic care;
- surgeries (when the case requires).
We are ready to provide our professional help and services for any condition. Neck treatment in Orlando, FL is provided at the highest level by our medical center. Touch of Health, the orthopedic center near you, is one of the best and well-known clinics with highly-qualified orthopedic neck surgeons and chiropractors. Chiropractic care in Orlando is one of the most effective treatments sudden or chronic neck pain.
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Microsurgical methods are used, for instance, for herniated disks, spinal stenosis, myelopathy, tumors, syringomyelia and cysts. A herniated disk usually ruptures the annulus fibrosus, so that parts of the nucleus pulposus of the disk protrude outward and press on the nerves and spinal cord. This leads to unpleasant pain and dysfunction.
With stenosis of the spinal canal, it is narrowed due to bony growths. As a result, the nerves passing through the canal are compressed. Our medical center can successfully treat herniated disks and stenosis mainly by microsurgical methods. The skin incision is no more than 4-5 cm in length. In microsurgery, we work through a probe using a special microscope, which guarantees accurate work, and the thickness of microinstruments is only 1-2 mm. A the same time, with microscopic magnification, disk tissue or tumors are removed, stenosis is eliminated due to the expansion of the spinal canal, and, thus, pain and further neurological disorders are prevented.
Neck Surgery
Operational treatment may involve the removal of a disk or bone, and the spine is fusioned with a bone graft either in front or behind the spinal column. There are two types of a bone graft: an autograft (from the patient’s own bone) or an allograft (donor bone). Sometimes, metal plates and screws are also used to further stabilize the spine. These devices are called toolkits. When the vertebrae are stabilized by surgery, the excess mobility disappears and the function of the nerve root is restored.
An alternative to the spinal fusion is to replace the intervertebral disk in the cervical spine with an artificial disk. With such treatment, the spine is stabilized and the movement in the neck is restored.

Touch of Health Medical Center
Complete a full Neck examination at our center and get a prognosis for your recovery.
Our specialists help you to recover much faster.
Our Neck Experts

Mark Biondi, DC
Doctor of Chiropractic
Touch of Health Clinic

- Whiplash
- Spinal and extremity injuries;
- Musculoskeletal system traumas;
We treat