Hip Bursitis
The bursa or joint capsule is located in those parts of the body where there is movement and shock absorption is needed. An articular bag is a kind of pocket made of a strong outer shell and mucous tissue inside. Its task is to protect the joint from injuries, increased friction of moving elements against each other and nutrition of the cartilage tissue of the joint, which does not have its own blood vessels. For this, the cells of the inner layer of the bag produce a special synovial fluid. In the hip joint there are several bursae located on the lateral side of the thigh (trochanteric) and in the depths of the ilio-lumbar and sciatic joint. Hip Bursitis most commonly occurs in the trochanteric, ischial, or iliolumbar bursae in the hip joint. Treatment cannot be postponed with this condition.

Symptoms of hip bursitis for women and men are the same, although the disease itself occurs more often in women (especially with active jogging). The very moment of the bursa injury (with post-traumatic hip bursitis) occurs with acute and sudden pain and clicking. This requires on-time treatment. In the future, it will be painful to squat, climb stairs, and make rotational movements with your foot.
The main causes of hip bursitis are:
- Injuries and injuries to the joint and femur during falls, blows.
- Diseases of the spine and joints;
- Allergies or autoimmune diseases;
- Deposition of calcium or uric acid in the joints, such as in gout;
- Diseases and conditions which affect metabolism;
At the consultation, the doctor conducts an examination of the bursa, and learns in detail about the existing complaints, the peculiarities of their appearance. In addition, more accurate diagnostic methods are needed:
- Analysis of blood and synovial fluid in the bursa;
- X-ray to assess pathologies in the joint;
- Ultrasound or MRI – studies that allows evaluating soft tissues, the processes occurring in the bursa and blood circulation in the joint area.
Treatment Options
Complex conservative treatment is used for hip bursitis, which may include:
- Medical treatment of hip bursitis – depending on the symptoms, pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticosteroids and antibiotics are prescribed.
- Physiotherapeutic treatment
- Taping, wearing an orthosis and other methods to reduce the load and support the joint.
- Therapeutic massage and manual therapy.
- Operational treatment – drainage of pus from the bursa and rinsing the capsule with antiseptic drugs, antibiotics, removal of the bursa in acute inflammation with the risk of rupture of the bursa membrane and spillage of pus in the adjacent periarticular tissues.

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